Looking for help?

If you’re struggling with your simulations, here are a few options to consider:

  • Send me an email (find my address here). Please note that I receive numerous queries, and while I do my best to answer all of them, I prioritize requests where you introduce yourself and ask a clear, concise question.

  • Join my Discord server, where you can ask questions and engage with me and other users.

  • Try your luck on the official MatSci forum for LAMMPS. Please note that the main purpose of the forum is to report LAMMPS bugs to developers, rather than to seek advice on research questions.

You have feedback for us?

If you have feedback, you can raise an issue on GitHub, especially if you’ve noticed any inconsistencies, errors, or typos.

Support the LAMMPS tutorials initiative

You can support this webpage through Patreon or Tipeee. As a supporter, you will access dedicated support channels on Discord.

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