.. _all-atoms-label:
Polymer in water
.. container:: hatnote
Solvating and stretching a small polymer molecule
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/PEG-dark.webp
:alt: Movie of a peg polymer molecule in water as simulated with LAMMPS
:height: 250
:align: right
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/PEG-light.webp
:alt: Movie of a peg polymer molecule in water as simulated with LAMMPS
:height: 250
:align: right
:class: only-light
.. container:: justify
The goal of this tutorial is to use LAMMPS to solvate a small
hydrophilic polymer (PEG - PolyEthylene Glycol) in a reservoir of water.
.. container:: justify
Once the water reservoir is properly equilibrated at the desired temperature
and pressure, the polymer molecule is added and a constant stretching force
is applied to both ends of the polymer. The evolution of the polymer length
is measured as a function of time. The GROMOS 54A7 force field
:cite:`schmid2011definition` is used for the PEG, the SPC/Fw
model :cite:`wu2006flexible` is used for the water, and the long-range
Coulomb interactions are solved using the PPPM solver :cite:`luty1996calculating`.
.. container:: justify
This tutorial was inspired by a |Liese2017| by Liese and coworkers, in which
molecular dynamics simulations are
compared with force spectroscopy experiments :cite:`liese2017hydration`.
.. |Liese2017| raw:: html
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/recommand-lj.rst
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/needhelp.rst
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/2Aug2023.rst
Preparing the water reservoir
.. container:: justify
In this tutorial, the water reservoir is first prepared in the absence of
the polymer. A rectangular box of water is created and
equilibrated at ambient temperature and ambient pressure.
The SPC/Fw water model is used :cite:`wu2006flexible`, which is
a flexible variant of the rigid SPC (simple point charge)
model :cite:`berendsen1981interaction`.
.. container:: justify
Create a folder named *pureH2O/*. Inside this folder, create
an empty text file named *input.lammps*. Copy the following
lines into it:
.. code-block:: lammps
units real
atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style harmonic
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10
kspace_style pppm 1e-5
special_bonds lj 0.0 0.0 0.5 coul 0.0 0.0 1.0 angle yes
.. container:: justify
With the unit style *real*, masses are in grams per
mole, distances in Ångstroms, time in femtoseconds, and energies
in Kcal/mole. With the *atom_style full*, each atom is a dot
with a mass and a charge that can be
linked by bonds, angles, dihedrals, and/or impropers. The *bond_style*,
*angle_style*, and *dihedral_style* commands define the
potentials for the bonds, angles, and dihedrals used in the simulation,
here *harmonic*.
.. container:: justify
Always refer to the LAMMPS |lammps_documentation| if you have doubts about the
potential used by LAMMPS. For instance, this |lammps_documentation_angle_harmonic|
gives the expression for the harmonic angular potential.
.. |lammps_documentation| raw:: html
.. |lammps_documentation_angle_harmonic| raw:: html
.. container:: justify
Finally, the *special_bonds* command, which was already seen in
the previous tutorial, :ref:`carbon-nanotube-label`, sets the LJ and Coulomb
weighting factors for the interaction between neighboring atoms.
.. admonition:: About *special bonds*
:class: info
Usually, molecular dynamics force fields are parametrized assuming that
the first neighbors within a molecule do not
interact directly through LJ or Coulomb potential. Here, since we
use *lj 0.0 0.0 0.5* and *coul 0.0 0.0 1.0*, the first and second
neighbors in a molecule only interact through direct bond interactions.
For the third neighbor (here third neighbor only concerns the PEG molecule,
not the water), only half of the LJ interaction will be taken into account,
and the full Coulomb interaction will be used.
.. container:: justify
With the *pair_style* named *lj/cut/coul/long*, atoms
interact through both a Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential and
Coulomb interactions. The value of :math:`10\,\text{Å}` is
the cutoff.
.. admonition:: About cutoff in molecular dynamics
:class: info
The cutoff of :math:`10\,\text{Å}` applies to both LJ and Coulomb
interactions, but in a different way. For LJ *cut*
interactions, atoms interact with each other only if they
are separated by a distance smaller than the cutoff. For
Coulomb *long*, interactions between atoms closer than
the cutoff are computed directly, and interactions between
atoms outside that cutoff are computed in the reciprocal space.
.. container:: justify
Finally, the *kspace* command defines the long-range solver for the
Coulomb interactions. The *pppm* style refers to
particle-particle particle-mesh :cite:`luty1996calculating`.
.. admonition:: About PPPM
:class: info
Extracted from |Luty and van Gunsteren|:
The PPPM method is based on separating the total interaction
between particles into the sum of short-range
interactions, which are computed by direct
particle-particle summation, and long-range interactions,
which are calculated by solving Poisson's equation using
periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) :cite:`luty1996calculating`.
.. |Luty and van Gunsteren| raw:: html
Luty and van Gunsteren
.. container:: justify
Then, let us create a 3D simulation box of dimensions :math:`9 \times 3 \times 3 \; \text{nm}^3`,
and make space for 9 atom types (2 for
the water + 7 for the polymer), 7 bond types (1 for
the water + 6 for the polymer), 8
angle types (1 for the water + 7 for the polymer), and 4 dihedral types
(for the polymer only).
Copy the following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
region box block -45 45 -15 15 -15 15
create_box 9 box &
bond/types 7 &
angle/types 8 &
dihedral/types 4 &
extra/bond/per/atom 3 &
extra/angle/per/atom 6 &
extra/dihedral/per/atom 10 &
extra/special/per/atom 14
.. admonition:: About extra per atom commands
:class: info
The *extra/x/per/atom* commands are here for
memory allocation. These commands ensure that enough memory space is left for a
certain number of attributes for each atom. We won't worry
about those commands in this tutorial, just keep that in mind if one day
you see the following error
message *ERROR: Molecule topology/atom exceeds system topology/atom*.
.. container:: justify
Let us create a *PARM.lammps* file containing all the
parameters (masses, interaction energies, bond equilibrium
distances, etc). In *input.lammps*, add the following line:
.. code-block:: lammps
include ../PARM.lammps
.. container:: justify
Then, download and save the |PARM_PEG.data| file
next to the *pureH2O/* folder.
.. |PARM_PEG.data| raw:: html
.. container:: justify
Within *PARM.lammps*, the *mass* and *pair_coeff* of atoms
of types 8 and 9 are for water and the
atoms of types 1 to 7 are for the polymer
molecule. Similarly, the *bond_coeff 7* and
*angle_coeff 8* are for water, while all
the other parameters are for the polymer.
.. container:: justify
Let us create water molecules. To do so, let us
import a molecule template called
*H2O-SPCFw.mol* and then let us randomly create 1050 molecules.
Add the following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
molecule h2omol H2O-SPCFw.mol
create_atoms 0 random 1050 87910 NULL mol &
h2omol 454756 overlap 1.0 maxtry 50
.. container:: justify
The *overlap 1* option of the *create_atoms* command ensures that no atoms are
placed exactly in the same position, as this would cause the simulation to
crash. The *maxtry 50* asks LAMMPS to try at most
50 times to insert the molecules, which is useful in case some
insertion attempts are rejected due to overlap. In some cases, depending on
the system and the values of *overlap*
and *maxtry*, LAMMPS may not create the desired number of molecules.
Always check the number of created atoms in the *log* file after
starting the simulation:
.. code-block:: bw
Created 3150 atoms
.. container:: justify
When LAMMPS fails to create the desired number of molecules, a WARNING
appears in the *log* file.
.. container:: justify
The molecule template named *H2O-SPCFw.mol*
can be |download_FlexibleH2O|
and saved in the *pureH2O/* folder.
This template contains the necessary structural
information of a water molecule, such as the number of atoms, or the IDs
of the atoms that are connected by bonds, angles, etc.
.. |download_FlexibleH2O| raw:: html
.. container:: justify
Then, let us organize the atoms of types 8 and 9 of the water molecules
in a group named *H2O* and perform a small energy minimization. The
energy minimization is mandatory here given the small *overlap* value
of 1 Ångstrom chosen in the *create_atoms* command. Add the following lines
to *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
group H2O type 8 9
minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000
reset_timestep 0
.. container:: justify
In general, resetting the step of the simulation to 0 using the
*reset_timestep* command is optional. It is used here because the number
of iterations performed by the *minimize* command is usually not a round
number (since the minimization stops when one of four criteria is reached).
.. container:: justify
Let us use the *fix npt* to
control the temperature of the molecules with a Nosé-Hoover thermostat and
the pressure of the system with a Nosé-Hoover barostat
:cite:`nose1984unified, hoover1985canonical, martyna1994constant`,
by adding the following line into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
fix mynpt all npt temp 300 300 100 iso 1 1 1000
.. container:: justify
The *fix npt* allows us to impose both a temperature of :math:`300\,\text{K}`
(with a damping constant of :math:`100\,\text{fs}`),
and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (with a damping constant of :math:`1000\,\text{fs}`).
With the *iso* keyword, the three dimensions of the box will be re-scaled
.. container:: justify
Let us print the atom positions in a *.lammpstrj* file every 1000
steps (i.e. 1 ps), print the temperature volume, and
density every 100 steps in 3 separate data files, and
print the information in the terminal every 1000 steps:
.. code-block:: lammps
dump mydmp all atom 1000 dump.lammpstrj
variable mytemp equal temp
variable myvol equal vol
fix myat1 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_mytemp file temperature.dat
fix myat2 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_myvol file volume.dat
variable myoxy equal count(H2O)/3
variable mydensity equal ${myoxy}/v_myvol
fix myat3 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_mydensity file density.dat
thermo 1000
.. container:: justify
The variable *myoxy* corresponds to the number of atoms
divided by 3, i.e. the number of molecules.
.. admonition:: On calling variables in LAMMPS
:class: info
Both dollar sign and underscore can be used to call a previously defined
variable. With the dollar sign, the initial value of the variable is returned,
while with the underscore, the instantaneous value of the variable is returned.
To probe the temporal evolution of a variable with time,
the underscore must be used.
.. container:: justify
Finally, let us set the timestep to 1.0 fs,
and run the simulation for 20 ps by adding the
following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
timestep 1.0
run 20000
write_data H2O.data
.. container:: justify
The final state is written into *H2O.data*.
.. container:: justify
If you open the *dump.lammpstrj* file using VMD, you should
see the system quickly reaching its equilibrium volume and density.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/water-light.png
:alt: Curves showing the equilibration of the water reservoir
:class: only-light
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/water-dark.png
:alt: Curves showing the equilibration of the water reservoir
:class: only-dark
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: Water reservoir after equilibration. Oxygen atoms are in red, and
hydrogen atoms are in white.
.. container:: justify
Open the *density.dat* file to ensure that the system converged
toward a (reasonably) well-equilibrated liquid water system during the 20 ps of simulation.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/density_H2O.png
:alt: Curves showing the equilibration of the water reservoir
:class: only-light
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/density_H2O-dm.png
:alt: Curves showing the equilibration of the water reservoir
:class: only-dark
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: Evolution of the density of water with time. The
density :math:`\rho` reaches
a plateau after :math:`\approx 10\,\text{ps}`.
.. admonition:: Insufficient simulation duration
:class: info
A duration of :math:`20~\text{ps}` is not sufficient to reach the actual equilibrium density.
Increase this duration to at least :math:`500~\text{ps}` to obtain a density value that
is comparable with the values given in Ref. :cite:`wu2006flexible`.
.. container:: justify
If needed, you can |download_H2O.data| the water reservoir I have
equilibrated and use it to continue with the tutorial.
.. |download_H2O.data| raw:: html
Solvating the PEG in water
.. container:: justify
Now that the water reservoir is equilibrated, we can safely
include the PEG polymer in the water.
.. container:: justify
The PEG molecule topology was downloaded from the |atb_repo|
repository :cite:`malde2011automated, oostenbrink2004biomolecular`.
It has a formula :math:`\text{C}_{28}\text{H}_{58}\text{O}_{15}`,
and the parameters are taken from
the GROMOS 54A7 force field :cite:`schmid2011definition`.
.. |atb_repo| raw:: html
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/singlePEG-light.png
:alt: PEG in vacuum as simulated with LAMMPS
:class: only-light
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/singlePEG-dark.png
:alt: PEG in vacuum as simulated with LAMMPS
:class: only-dark
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: The PEG molecule in vacuum. The carbon atoms are in gray,
the oxygen atoms in red, and the hydrogen atoms in white.
.. container:: justify
Create a second folder alongside *pureH2O/*
and call it *mergePEGH2O/*. Create a new blank file in it,
call it *input.lammps*. Within *input.lammps*, copy the same first lines as
.. code-block:: lammps
units real
atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style harmonic
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10
kspace_style pppm 1e-5
special_bonds lj 0.0 0.0 0.5 coul 0.0 0.0 1.0 angle yes dihedral yes
.. container:: justify
Then, import the previously generated data file *H2O.data*
as well as the *PARM.lammps* file:
.. code-block:: lammps
read_data ../pureH2O/H2O.data &
extra/bond/per/atom 3 &
extra/angle/per/atom 6 &
extra/dihedral/per/atom 10 &
extra/special/per/atom 14
include ../PARM.lammps
.. container:: justify
Download the molecule |download_PEG| for the PEG molecule, and then
create a single molecule in the middle of the box:
.. |download_PEG| raw:: html
.. code-block:: lammps
molecule pegmol PEG-GROMOS.mol
create_atoms 0 single 0 0 0 mol pegmol 454756
.. container:: justify
Let us create 2 groups to differentiate the PEG from the H2O,
by adding the following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
group H2O type 8 9
group PEG type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
.. container:: justify
Water molecules that are overlapping with the PEG must be deleted to avoid
future crashing. Add the following line into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
delete_atoms overlap 2.0 H2O PEG mol yes
.. container:: justify
Here, the value of 2 Ångstroms for the overlap cutoff was fixed arbitrarily
and can be chosen through trial and error. If the cutoff is too small, the
simulation will crash. If the cutoff is too large, too many water molecules
will unnecessarily be deleted.
.. container:: justify
Finally, let us use the *fix npt* to control the temperature, as well as
the pressure by allowing the box size to be rescaled along the *x* axis:
.. code-block:: lammps
fix mynpt all npt temp 300 300 100 x 1 1 1000
timestep 1.0
.. container:: justify
Once more, let us dump the atom positions as well as the system temperature
and volume:
.. code-block:: lammps
dump mydmp all atom 100 dump.lammpstrj
thermo 100
variable mytemp equal temp
variable myvol equal vol
fix myat1 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_mytemp file temperature.dat
fix myat2 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_myvol file volume.dat
.. container:: justify
Let us also print the total enthalpy:
.. code-block:: lammps
variable myenthalpy equal enthalpy
fix myat3 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_myenthalpy file enthalpy.dat
.. container:: justify
Finally, let us perform a short equilibration and print the
final state in a data file. Add the following lines into the data file:
.. code-block:: lammps
run 30000
write_data mix.data
.. container:: justify
If you open the *dump.lammpstrj* file using VMD
or have a look at the evolution of the volume in *volume.dat*,
you should see that the box dimensions slightly evolve along *x*
to accommodate the new configuration. In addition, the temperature remains
close to the target value of :math:`300~\text{K}` throughout the entire simulation,
and the enthalpy is almost constant, suggesting that the system was close
to equilibrium from the start.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/solvatedPEG_light.png
:alt: PEG in water
:class: only-light
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/solvatedPEG_dark.png
:alt: PEG in water
:class: only-dark
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: A single PEG molecule in water. Water molecules are represented as
a transparent continuum field for clarity.
Stretching the PEG molecule
.. container:: justify
Here, a constant forcing is applied to the two ends of the PEG molecule
until it stretches. Create a new folder next to the previously created
folders, call it *pullonPEG/*, and create a new input file in it
called *input.lammps*.
.. container:: justify
First, let us create a variable *f0* corresponding to the magnitude
of the force we are going to apply:
.. code-block:: lammps
variable f0 equal 5
.. container:: justify
The force magnitude of :math:`1\,\text{kcal/mol/Å}` corresponds
to :math:`67.2\,\text{pN}` and was chosen to be large enough to overcome
the thermal agitation and the entropic contribution from both water and PEG
molecules (it was chosen by trial and error). Then, copy the same lines as previously:
.. code-block:: lammps
units real
atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style harmonic
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10
kspace_style pppm 1e-5
special_bonds lj 0.0 0.0 0.5 coul 0.0 0.0 1.0 angle yes dihedral yes
.. container:: justify
Start the simulation from the equilibrated PEG-water system and include
again the parameter file by adding the following lines into the *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
read_data ../mergePEGH2O/mix.data
include ../PARM.lammps
.. container:: justify
Then, let us create 4 atom groups: H2O and PEG (as previously), as well
as 2 groups containing only the 2 oxygen atoms of types 6 and 7,
respectively. Atoms of types 6 and 7 correspond to the oxygen atoms
located at the ends of the PEG molecule, which we are going to use to pull
on the PEG molecule. Add the following lines into the *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
group H2O type 8 9
group PEG type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
group topull1 type 6
group topull2 type 7
.. container:: justify
Add the following *dump* command to the input to print the atom positions
every 1000 steps:
.. code-block:: lammps
dump mydmp all atom 1000 dump.lammpstrj
.. container:: justify
Let us use a single Nosé-Hoover thermostat applied to all the atoms by
adding the following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
timestep 1.0
fix mynvt all nvt temp 300 300 100
.. container:: justify
Let us also print the end-to-end distance of the PEG,
here defined as the distance between the groups *topull1*
and *topull2*, as well as the temperature of the system and the gyration
radius of the molecule :cite:`fixmanRadiusGyrationPolymer1962a`
by adding the following lines into *input.lammps*:
.. code-block:: lammps
variable mytemp equal temp
fix myat1 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_mytemp file output-temperature.dat
variable x1 equal xcm(topull1,x)
variable x2 equal xcm(topull2,x)
variable y1 equal xcm(topull1,y)
variable y2 equal xcm(topull2,y)
variable z1 equal xcm(topull1,z)
variable z2 equal xcm(topull2,z)
variable delta_r equal sqrt((v_x1-v_x2)^2+(v_y1-v_y2)^2+(v_z1-v_z2)^2)
fix myat2 all ave/time 10 10 100 v_delta_r &
file output-end-to-end-distance.dat
compute rgyr PEG gyration
fix myat3 all ave/time 10 10 100 c_rgyr file gyration-radius.dat
thermo 1000
.. container:: justify
Finally, let us simulate 30 picoseconds without any external forcing:
.. code-block:: lammps
run 30000
.. container:: justify
This first run will serve as a benchmark to later quantify the changes
induced by the forcing. Then, let us apply a forcing on the 2 oxygen
atoms using two *add_force* commands, and run for an extra 30 ps:
.. code-block:: lammps
fix myaf1 topull1 addforce ${f0} 0 0
fix myaf2 topull2 addforce -${f0} 0 0
run 30000
.. container:: justify
Run the *input.lammps* file using LAMMPS. If you open the *dump.lammpstrj*
file using *VMD*, you should see that the PEG molecule eventually aligns
in the direction of the force.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/pulled_peg_dark.png
:alt: PEG molecule in water
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/pulled_peg_light.png
:alt: PEG molecule in water
:class: only-light
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: PEG molecule stretched along the *x* direction in water.
Water molecules are represented as a transparent continuum
field for clarity. See the corresponding |pulled_on_peg|.
.. |pulled_on_peg| raw:: html
.. container:: justify
The evolution of the end-to-end distance over time
shows the PEG adjusting to the external forcing:
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/distance-dm.png
:alt: plot of the end-to-end distance versus time
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/distance.png
:alt: plot of the end-to-end distance versus time
:class: only-light
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: a) Evolution of the end-to-end distance of the PEG molecule
with time. The forcing starts at :math:`t = 30` ps. b) Evolution of the
gyration radius :math:`R_\text{gyr}` of the PEG molecule.
.. container:: justify
There is a follow-up to this polymer in water tutorial as :ref:`mda-label`,
where the trajectory is imported in Python using MDAnalysis.
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/accessfile.rst
Going further with exercises
.. include:: ../../non-tutorials/link-to-solutions.rst
Extract the radial distribution function
.. container:: justify
Extract the radial distribution functions (RDF or :math:`g(r)`)
between the oxygen atom of the water molecules
and the oxygen atom from the PEG molecule. Compare the rdf
before and after the force is applied to the PEG.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/RDF-dark.png
:alt: RDF g(r) for water and peg
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/RDF-light.png
:alt: RDF g(r) for water and peg
:class: only-light
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: Radial distribution function between the oxygen atoms
of water, as well as between the oxygen atoms of water and the
oxygen atoms of the PEG molecule.
.. container:: justify
Note the difference in the structure of the water before and after
the PEG molecule is stretched. This effect is described in
the 2017 publication by Liese et al. :cite:`liese2017hydration`.
Add salt to the system
.. container:: justify
Realistic systems usually contain ions. Let us add some :math:`\text{Na}^+` and
:math:`\text{Cl}^-` ions to our current PEG-water system.
.. container:: justify
Add some :math:`\text{Na}^+` and
:math:`\text{Cl}^-` ions to the mixture using the method
of your choice. :math:`\text{Na}^+` ions are
characterised by their mass :math:`m = 22.98\,\text{g/mol}`,
their charge :math:`q = +1\,e`, and Lennard-Jones
parameters, :math:`\epsilon = 0.0469\,\text{kcal/mol}`
and :math:`\sigma = 0.243\,\text{nm}`,
and :math:`\text{Cl}^-` ions by their
mass :math:`m = 35.453\,\text{g/mol}`,
charge :math:`q = -1\,e` and Lennard-Jones
parameters, :math:`\epsilon = 0.15\,\text{kcal/mol}`,
and :math:`\sigma = 0.4045\,\text{nm}`.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/salt-exercise-dark.png
:alt: PEG in a NaCl solution
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/salt-exercise-light.png
:alt: PEG in a NaCl solution
:class: only-light
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: A PEG molecule in the electrolyte with :math:`\text{Na}^+` ions in
purple and :math:`\text{Cl}^-` ions in cyan.
Evaluate the deformation of the PEG
.. container:: justify
Once the PEG is fully stretched, its structure differs from the
unstretched case. The deformation can be probed by extracting the typical
intra-molecular parameters, such as the typical angles of the dihedrals.
.. container:: justify
Extract the histograms of the angular distribution of the PEG dihedrals
in the absence and the presence of stretching.
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/dihedral_angle-dark.png
:alt: PEG in a NaCl solution
:class: only-dark
.. figure:: ../figures/level2/polymer-in-water/dihedral_angle-light.png
:alt: PEG in a NaCl solution
:class: only-light
.. container:: figurelegend
Figure: Probability distribution for the dihedral angle :math:`\phi`, for a stretched
and for an unstretched PEG molecule.